
backdate 追溯

background brief 背景资料简介

backpay 补薪

baggage allowance 行李津贴

Bailiff 执达主任

Bailiff‘s Assistant 执达主任助理

Bailiff‘s Assistants Association 执达主任助理协会

balance 余额;积存总额

Bank Examination Assistant 银行审查助理

Bank Examiner 银行审查主任

bar-code label 条码标签

Bar-coding File Management System [BCFMS] 电脑条码档案管理系统

Bar-coding Non-file Records Management System [BCNRMS] 电脑条码非文件档案管理系统

barracks 营舍式宿舍

baseline expenditure 基线开支

baseline forecast 基线预测

baseline resources 基线资源

baseline review 基线检讨

basic charge 基本收费

basic Chinese language proficiency test 基本中文程度测验

basic entry rank 基本入职职级

basic entry system 基本入职制度

Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People‘s Republic of China 《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》

basic leave 基本假期

basic off-the-job training 基本职外训练

basic pension 基本退休金;基本抚恤金

basic rank 基本职级

basic rate of leave 基本假期额

basic rule [Housing Loan Scheme] 基本规条[购屋贷款计划]

basic salary 基本薪金;底薪

Basic Training Package for Civil Service 《公务员基本培训套件》

basic vacation leave 基本例假

BBS [Bronze Bauhinia Star] 铜紫荆星章

b.c.c. [blind carbon copy] 特别副本送:……(正本并无注录)

BCFMS [Bar-coding File Management System] 电脑条码档案管理系统

BCNRMS [Bar-coding Non-file Records Management System] 电脑条码非文件档案管理系统

bearer memorandum 持来便笺;来人便笺

benchmark job 基准工作

benchmark rank 基准职级

benchmarking 订立基准

beneficial succession 继承实益

beneficial successor 实益继承人

beneficiary interest 受益人的权益

Best Practices in Human Resources Development Award [Civil Service Training and Development Institute] 人才培训典范奖[公务员培训处]

Bid Challenge System 投标投诉制度

bill 条例草案

bill of quantities 建筑工程量表;数量清单

bi-monthly stores 双月货

bi-monthly working stores table 常用物料双月支货表

Bin Card [GF 263] 仓卡[通用表格第263号]

blacklisted supplier 列入黑名单的供应商

blanket approval 整体批准

blind carbon copy [b.c.c.] 特别副本送:……(正本并无注录)

block release 整段时间给假调训;短期给假调训

block vote 整体拨款

blue bill 蓝纸条例草案

board of condemnation 废弃物品处理委员会

Board of Directors of the Surviving Spouses‘ and Children‘s Pensions Scheme 尚存配偶及子女抚恤金计划管理委员会

Board of Directors of the Widows and Orphans Pension Scheme 孤寡抚恤金计划管理委员会

Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance) 税务上诉委员会

board of survey 调查委员会

boarding school allowance 寄宿学校津贴

bottom-up management 由下而上的管理

bracketed point 额外增薪点

branch office 分区办事处

breach of contract 违反合同

breach of trust 违反信托

break in service 中断服务

bridging-over arrangement 转职安排

briefing 简报;简报会

briefing material 简介;简报资料

briefing notes 简介;简报撮要

bring the public service into disrepute 使公务人员的声誉受损

bring up [b.u.] 按时呈阅;依期再提交本档;依期呈阅

British Supplementation Scheme 英国补助计划

broad comparability with the private sector 与私营机构薪酬保持大致相若

broad framework 主要纲领

broad-banded structure 广分职级结构

broad-banding approach 广分职级法

broadcasting and information class 广播与新闻职类

Broadcasting Authority [BA] 广播事务管理局

Bronze Bauhinia Star [BBS] 铜紫荆星章

b.u. [bring up] 按时呈阅;依期再提交本档;依期呈阅

budget 预算案

budget fare [air ticket] 特价机票

budgetary consideration 财政预算考虑因素

budgetary control procedure 预算管制程序

budgetary control system 预算管制制度

buffer stock 应急存货

Building Services Engineer 屋宇装备工程师

Building Services Inspector 屋宇装备督察

Building Supervisor 屋宇监督

Building Surveyor 屋宇测量师

Buildings Department [BD] 屋宇署

Buildings Department Local Building Surveyors‘ Association 屋宇署本地屋宇测量师协会

Buildings Department Structural Engineers‘ Association 屋宇署结构工程师协会

bulky store 大型物品仓

bureau secretaries 各局局长;各局首长

burial grant 殓葬补助金

Business and Services Promotion Unit [BSPU] [Commerce and Industry Bureau] 工商服务业推广处[工商局]

business process re-engineering 重整业务运作流程

business review 工作检讨;公务检讨

Butcher 牲口屠宰员

by circulation 以通告方式……;以书面形式……;以传阅方式……

by fax 传真文件;传真函件

by hand 专人送交;专人送递;面呈;专递文件
(时间:2010-7-11 19:09:40)
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