
1. 住房空置率

(参考)(housing) vacancy rate(宾馆)

(参考)occupancy rate 入住率

2. 点钞费

(coin-) counting fee

3. 囤地

land hoarding

(参考)land reserves(储备地)

4. 小产权房

(参考)houses with limited property rights

(参考)house with incomplete property rights

(参考)apartment with incomplete property rights

5. 阶梯计价

differential pricing/tiered pricing

6. 转型跳槽

career shifting

(参考)career hopping/job change

7. 三网融合(电讯,电话,互联网“三网”)

three network convergence/TCI convergence

8. 火车票实名制

real name ticket booking system

9. 地王

top bidder

10. 广告标王

top bidder

11. 家电下乡

(参考)government subsidized home appliances for rural villagers

(参考)White-Goods-Go-Rural Scheme

(参考)subsidize sales of home appliances in rural areas

12. 雷人


13. 囧


14. 打酱油

(参考)See no evil, hear no evil...

(参考)none of my business...

(参考)I am just passing by...

(参考)no comment

15. 给力

(参考)gelivable/thrilling/cool(目前网上的流行说法是(un)geiliable;转成动词energize, perk up)

16. 宅女

stay-in girls

17. 宅男

otaku/stay-in boys

18. 换草运动

acquaintance blind date/to swap date

19. 橡皮人

‘plasticine‘ men

(参考)the jaded (indifferent to the world)

20. 两餐半人

meal skipper

(中国日报网英语点津 崔旭燕 编辑)

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